Since I transferred my job from the NY office to the NC office about two years ago and the rest of my department is up in NY, I am part of a Jimmy V shooting team that is compiled by a number of smaller departments. It is me, Internet Services, HR, Payroll and the Internal Consulting Group. One of the funny things about my team is that
most of us are non- participators. We don't like shooting, we don't like cheering, we don't want to spend our money on ordering custom T-shirts for our "cheerleading squad". In fact, when I told my husband how I was with a group of people that were worse non-participators than me his response was, "Impossible! No one is a worse non-participator than you!"
Last year, the shoot out was supposed to be on Friday March 13. I threw out the suggestion that we all dress gothic and not cheer. Much to my surprise the group went for it! We all dressed in black and acted uninterested in cheering. Our Mascot, Revs, a Siberian Husky, even donned some eyeliner type make up and a pair of shorts with skull and crossbones on them. Even though we didn't make many baskets it was actually a lot of fun. Much to our surprise we ended up winning best team uniform!
This year, we decided to make a spoof and we ended up being the Jimmy B Shooters. Although our idea of having fake shots was vetoed by the head of HR. We dressed like Parrot Heads, played Jimmy Buffett Music as we came out, held signs that said things like Margaritaville and Cheeseburger in Paradise. We even had a portable grill with us and a pink flamingo. Poor Revs wore a sun visor and even a blow up inner-tube that looked like some sort of fish. I think his T-Shirt said: Fur is the New Tan. We only made 17 baskets (I contributed 1 of the baskets) and for the second year in a row my team has won best team uniform!
The only other group that I got to see was Government Relations. They came down, people and canines alike, all bandaged up. Some employees had crutches and one of them even had a walker. Their Team name was "The Hurting Group" and their team cheer was loud cries of "Aowwwwww!" It was pretty hysterical.
All in all the employees raised over $1,600.00 with the event. I think this event is one of my favorite times that makes me really happy about working at the AKC.