Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two Years Back Below the Mason-Dixon Line!

Today was such a nice day. Clear skies for miles and the temperature was in the upper 8o's with a slight breeze. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to get out of the office for a little bit so I decided to take a walk during my lunch break. It was so peaceful and quiet I couldn't believe it. I could hear the traffic on Lumley Road and Glenwood Avenue but it was more like white static noise in the distance than anything else. As I was taking my walk I realized that today is Craig and my two year anniversary moving back to North Carolina! Crazy! Two Year's ago today we were pulling up to my parents house in a rented minivan that was packed with odds and ends that did not fit into the moving truck. Our two cats were sleeping in their cat carriers in the back seat, probably wondering what had happened to them and why they had to be locked up for such a long car ride!

I don't remember what the weather was like two years ago when we arrived in NC but I do remember when we left NY it was a torrential rain pour. I was scared to death that we were going to hydroplane and skid off the road. We made it though, and although it was sad to leave our Northern friends behind, it has been the best move we have made. Since then, everything seems to be like sunny skies.

Since we have moved we have fallen back into old friendships that have picked up where we left off and we have made new amazing friendships as well. We have moved into a very cute apartment that is convenient to both of our jobs. Craig has opened a catering business which is slowly picking up more and more business. We have purchased two cars. Craig bought a bicycle, I started taking Pilates. We are both eating a lot healthier and getting back in shape. With Craig's more regular hours we see each other a lot more than we used to. We go on walks together. Once my bicycle has had a tune up we can bike ride together. All in all I would have to say that life has really been treating us well.

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